In contrast to that of previous sections, the R2 data are time-dependent. Two different time regimes are used by the code. The first regime is a set of relatively coarse recurrent time steps. The time-dependent parameters are changed at the beginning of each such step by input from subroutine READ2. The second regime is a relatively finer time grid within each recurrent time step used for numerical integration of the transport equations. The recurrent data consists of control integers, source information, numerical-solution control and output control.

The minimum number of records for one recurrent data set is 3, R2-1 (options), R2-12 (time stepping), and R2-13 (print control). There is no limit to the number of recurrent data sets. A data set is terminated by an additional R2-1 record in which ITHRU=1.

For steady-state analysis, one set of recurrent data is required. The user can terminate the run or continue execution in one of two ways. For example, steady-state flow (NCALL = 4, M-3) completes and sets the solution option to NCALL = 3 (no primary equations). The run can be terminated and a restart file written (RSTWR = 1, R2-13) or continued. In either case, the solution control NCALL must be set to 1 or 2 etc. This is accomplished in the recurrent data using ICLL(R2-1) and NCALL (R2-11.1). Thus the first time change TCHG (R2-12) is zero and "real" time stepping appears in the second recurrent data set.


READ R2-1 (11I5)

  INDQ Control parameter for reading well rates (Col. 1-5).
  0 - Do not read well rates. No change in well rates

1 - Read seven well rates per card in READ R2-5.

2 - Read one card per well rate in READ R2-6.

IWELL Control parameter for reading well definition data (R2-7) (Col. 6-10).
  0 - Do not read well data. No change in well data.

1 - Read new or altered well data.

IMETH Control parameter for reading method of solution (R2-2) (Col. 11-15).
  0 - Do not read method of solution. No change in method.

1 - Read new or altered method of solution.

ITHRU Run termination (Col. 16-20).
  0 - Run is to continue.

1 - Run is to terminate at this point. No more recurrent data will be read after this card. If no plots are desired, i.e., if NPLP, NPLT and NPLC are all zero, this should be the last card in your data deck.

IRSS Control parameter for reading radionuclide source data (R2-9, R2-10, R2-10.5) (Col. 21-25).
  0 - Do not read source data for the trace components. No change in source data.

1 - Read new or altered source-rate data (R2-10).

2 - read new or altered waste-leach data (R2-10.5).

IPROD Control parameter for reading wellbore data (R2-8) (Col. 26-30).
  0 - Do not read well-head data. No change in well-head data.

1 - Read new or altered well-head data.

IOPT Control parameter for reading iteration data for the wellbore solution (R2-3) (Col. 31-35).
  0 - Do not read wellbore iteration data. If it is a new run and if wellbore calculations are desired, then default values of the iteration parameters will be used for the wellbore calculations.

1 - Read new or altered wellbore iteration data.

INDT Control parameter for reading iteration data for the reservoir solution (R2-11, R2-11.1) (Col. 36-40).
  0 - Do not read iteration data. If no such data has been read for previous recurrent data sets, then default values are used.

1 - Read new or altered iteration data (R2-11).

2 - Read new or altered iteration data and L2SOR data (R2-11, R2-11.1).

ICLL Equation-solution control (R2-11.5) (Col 41-45).
  0 - Do not read change in equation solution control, NCALL.

1 - Read new equation solution control, NCALL.

IRCH Control parameter for reading recharge data (R2-2.5) (Col. 46-50).
  0 - Do not read recharge data. No change in recharge data.

1 - Read new or altered recharge data.

ICHCR Control parameter for reading rock compressibility and local rock parameters (R2-2.6) (Col. 51-56).
  0 - Do not read compressibility data. No change in compressibility data

1 - Read new or altered compressibility data.


The following data are entered if IMETH … 0. If it is a new run and IMETH = 0, the program selects METHOD = 1 and WTFAC = 1.0 (direct solution with backward space and time approximations).

  METHOD Method of solution. Direct solution may be entered only if direct solution is specified in READ M-3.
  1 - Reduced-band-width direct solution with backward finite-difference approximation in time (BIT).

2 - Two-line successive-overrelaxation (L2SOR) solution with a backward finite-difference approximation in time (BIT).

-1 - Reduced band-width direct solution with a centered finite-difference approximation in time (CIT).

-2 - Two-line successive-overrelaxation solution (L2S0R) with a centered finite-difference approximation in time (CIT).

WTFAC Weight factor for the finite-difference approxima-tion in space.
  1.0 - Backward differencing (BIS).   0.5 - Central differencing (CIS).
If WTFAC # 0 is entered, the program selects WTFAC = 1.0.


The following data are entered if IRCH … 0. Read as many records as necessary and follow the last record with a blank record.


READ R2-2.5 (4I5,E10.0)

LIST: I1, I2, J1, J2, RCHG
  I1, I2 Lower and upper limits, inclusive, for the I index of the region having recharge rate, RCHG.

J1, J2 (Similar definition for the J index).

RCHG Recharge rate, ft/d (m/s).

The following data are entered if ICHCR … 0.


READ R2-2.6 (LIST 1: 2E10.0; LIST 2: I5, E10.0; LIST 3: I5,4E10.0)

  CR Global rock compressibility (see R1-1).

CRD Local rock compressibility (see R1D-1).

  IRT Global rock type (see R1A-1).   CRR Global rock compressibility (see R1-2.5).
Enter as many LIST 2 records as desired, terminating with a blank record. LIST 3: IR, AKSD, PBD, TPBD, SWBD
  IR Local rock type (see ROD-3).

AKSD Local rock hydraulic conductivity (see R1D-2).

PBD Specified boundary pressure (see R1D-3).

TPBD Specified boundary temperature.

SWBD Specified brine concentration.

Enter as many LIST 3 records as desired, terminating with a blank record.


The following data are entered if IOPT > 0 (READ R2-1). If default values are desired, insert a blank record and proceed to READ R2-4. The default values of the parameters are discussed below.



READ R2-3 (I5,4E10.0) Wellbore Data.

Reference: Reeves et al. [1986a], Section 4.2.

LIST: NITQ, TOLX, TOLDP, DAMPX, EPS NITQ Maximum number of outer iterations in the wellbore calculations. For example, if the injection rate for a well is specified, the well-head pressure is calculated iteratively to obtain the bottom-hole pressure necessary to inject the specified rate. If NITQ # 0, the program selects the default value of 20.

TOLX The tolerance on the fractional change in pressure over an iteration. If TOLX # 0, the default value of 0.001 is selected.

TOLDP The tolerance on pressure, psi (Pa). The default value is 7000 psi (4.8 x 107 Pa).

DAMPX Damping factor in estimating the next value of the pressure (at the surface for an injection well and at the bottom-hole for a production well). If the frictional pressure drop in the well is high, a linear extrapolation may lead to oscillations around the right value. The default value is 2.0.

EPS The tolerance on calculating temperature from given values of enthalpy and pressure. The fluid temperatures in the wellbore are calculated over each pressure increment as specified in READ R1-3. The default value is 0.001.

If INDQ = 0 (READ R2-1), skip READ R2-4 through READ R2-6 and proceed to READ R2-7.

READ R2-4 (I5) Rate Specifications.

  NWT Total number of wells.

Enter the following data only if INDQ = 1.

READ R2-5 (7E10.0) Rate Specifications.

LIST: Q(I), I=1,NWT Q Production rate, ft3/d (m3/s). For an injection well, enter the value as a negative production rate. All the well rates must be entered even if all of them have not changed from the previous recurrent time step.
Enter the following data only if INDQ = 2. Read as many records as necessary to describe all the modified injection and production well rates. Follow the last record with a blank record.

READ R2-6 (I5, E10.0) Rate Specifications.

  I Well number.

QWELL Production rate, ft3/d (m3/s). Enter negative values for injection rates. Enter only the well rates which are to be changed from an earlier recurrent data set.


The following data are entered for IWELL = 1. Read one set of data for each well, and follow the last record with a blank record.

READ R2-7 (LIST 1: (6I5); LIST 2: (4E10.0); LIST 3: (8E10.0); LIST 4: (7E10.0)) Definition of Well Options.

  I Well number.

IIW I index of the grid cell containing the well.

IJW J index of the grid cell containing the well.

IIC1 Uppermost layer in which the well is completed.

IIC2 Lowermost layer in which the well is completed.

IINDW1 Well specification option.

1 - Layer allocation via mobilities alone. Rate control only.

2 - Layer allocation via mobility and pressure drop between wellbore and grid block. Rate control only.

3 - Layer allocation via mobility and pressure drop between wellbore and grid block. Variable rate-pressure control.

2,3 - Explicit implementation.

-2,-3 - Semi-implicit implementation.

-4 - Steady-state pressure-limited

Reeves et al. [1986a], Section 4.1, discusses the four topics, pressure/rate control, explicit/implicit rate terms, layer allocation and transient/steady-state implementation, all of which are crucial to a proper implementation of the well submodels. There is another point, however, which should be reiterated here related to pressure control.

Specifically, the point of application of the bottom-hole pressure. Figure 8-1 shows a well completed into three layers. As indicated there, the enforcement position for the specified bottom-hole pressure is the block center of the top layer of the completion zone. Usually this is also the position of the physical pressure measurement.

  WI Well index, ft2/d (m2/s).

BHP Bottom-hole pressure, psi (Pa). This must be specified only if IINDW1 = 3 or 4.

TINJ Temperature of the injected fluid, EF (EC). If surface conditions are being specified, TINJ is the temperature at the surface.

CINJ Brine concentration of the injection fluid, dimensionless.

Reeves et al. [1986a], Section 4.1, discusses how the well index is calculated and its function of relating the pressure of source or sink at a sub-grid scale to the average grid block pressure.

Skip LIST 3 if ISURF = 0 (READ M-2).

LIST 3: X, DW, ED, OD, TTOPW, TBOTW, UCOEF, THETA X Wellbore length from surface to top of perforations, ft (m).

DW Inside diameter of the tubing, ft (m).

ED Roughness of the inner surface of the tubing for a smooth pipe, ft (m).

OD Outside diameter of the casing, ft (m).

TTOPW Initial rock temperature at the top-hole, EF (EC).

TBOTW Initial rock temperature at the bottom-hole, EF (EC).

UCOEF Overall heat transfer coefficient between the inner surface of the tubing and the outer surface of the casing, Btu/ft2-EF-d (J/m2-EC-s).

THETA Angle of deviation of the well bore from the vertical direction, degrees.


Skip LIST 4 if the well is completed in only one layer, i.e., if IIC1 = IIC2.

KHL(K) Layer allocation factors for well I, layer K, dimensionless. Layer-allocation factors should be proportional to the total productivity of the individual layers, taking into account layer values of kDz (permeability x thickness). Only relative values are important since these factors are renormalized to a unit sum. The productivity (injectivity) of layer K is computed as WI x KHL(K).

Skip the following READ if IPR0D = 0 (READ R2-1). However, it is used only for those wells having specification option IINDW1 = "3.


Figure 8-1. Characterization of a Well.
Fig 8-1

READ R2-8 (7E10.0) Wellbore Data.

THP Surface pressure for each well, psi (Pa).


If IRSS = 0, skip this section of input and proceed to READ R2-11.

If NREPB > 0, skip to READ R2-10.5.


READ R2-9 (I5) Specified-Rate Data.

NSS Number of sink/source blocks.  

Enter one set of data for each source and follow the last set with a blank record.

If IRSS = 1, READ R2-10 and skip R2-10.5.

Enter NSS sets of data.

READ R2-10 (LIST 1: 4I5; LIST 2: 7E10.0) Specified-Rate Data.

  I Source Number.

IIS I index of the source block.

IJS J index of the source block.

IKS K index of the source block.

  QWW Fluid discharge rate, lb/d (kg/s). A negative rate denotes a source, and a positive rate denotes a sink.

QHH Heat discharge rate, Btu/d (J/s).

QCC Discharge rates of radioactive components, lb/d (kg/s). Omit this parameter if NCP = 0.


Note: be careful not to doubly specify the water flow rate using QWW in this record and also as a well R2-5,6,7. For clarity it is recommended that fluid sources associated with heat or radionuclide input be entered on R2-10 records.

If IRSS = 2, READ R2-10.5.

If NREPB = 0, skip the following READ.

READ R2-10.5 (2E10.0) Waste-Leach Data.

  ALCH Leach time for radioactive waste within the repository boundaries, d (s).

BLCH Lag time from start of simulation to initiation of waste leaching or heat loading of the repository.


The following data are entered if INDT … 0 (READ R2-1). If default values are desired, enter INDT = 0 and skip to READ R2-11.5.


READ R2-11 (3I5)

  MINITN Minimum number of outer (nonlinear-property due to density variation or water table) iterations in the subroutine ITER and ITERS. The default value is one.

MAXITN Maximum number of outer (nonlinear-property due to density variation or water table) interactions in subroutine ITER and ITERS. The default value is 2. For constant density use 1.

Note: For many variable-density or transient water table simulations, a value of 3 is adequate for MAXITN. Under steady-state water table conditions 5 to 15 iterations are recommended.

IMPG Number of time steps (transient) or iterations (steady state) after which the optimum parameters for the inner iterations are recalculated for the two-line successive over relaxation method. These data need be entered only if METHOD = 2. The default value for IMPG is 5.
If INDT = 1, skip to R2-11.5. Enter only if INDT = 2.

READ R2-11.1 (2I5, 2E10.0) L2SOR solution data.

  IXYZ 0 - Code automatically chooses optimal direction for solution sweep based on minimum over-relaxation parameter.

1 - Override to force sweep in x-direction.

2 - Override to force sweep in y-direction.

3 - Override to force sweep in z-direction.

IBUD Maximum number of L2SOR sweeps. The default value is 100. Usually 50-200 iterations will suffice.

TBUD Convergence (not normalized) criteria for iterations. The default value is 1 x 10-5 units. Be careful not to simply use the default. For example, 10-5 psi may be too small causing an excessive number of iterations. A default of 10-5 mass fraction is too large when simulating concentrations at 10-3 or less.

TPARAM Over or under-relaxation parameter (if IXYZ < 0). A value greater than 1.0 accelerates the solution and less than 1.0 dampens or under-relaxes the iterations. Generally 1.8 - 1.95 is used. Occasionally a coupled pressure-brine simulation will require an under relaxation of 0.85 - 0.99.

One record is required for each equation solution being solved. The order of equations is pressure, temperature, brine, radionuclides. Only one set of parameters is used for all radionuclide components.


This section of input is frequently used for computational efficiency in the transient coupled solution of the primary and radionuclide equations. In such solution, the primary transport processes frequently reach steady-state. The radionuclide processes, however, due to the usual time dependence of the decay/production processes and of the source strength, frequently never reach steady-state. The ICLL option allows one to "turn-off" the primary solution after steady-state has been reached so that the major computational effort may then be devoted to the radionuclide solution.

Skip this READ if ICLL = 0 (READ R2-1).


READ R2-11.5 (I5) Equation solution control.

  NCALL Same definition as for READ M-2 (see Table 2-1).
In the case of a steady-state run with NCALL = 4 or 5, the code automatically sets NCALL to 3 at the end of the solution. If one initiates a restart record from a previous steady-state simulation, the value of NCALL must be specified, otherwise the code will pick up a value of 3 contained in the restart file.


READ R2-12 (8E10.0) Time values.

  TCHG Time at which next set of recurrent data will be read, d (s). For steady-state, enter a zero (Col. 1-10).
  The restart records can be written at TCHG only. Also, the mapping subroutine can be activated at TCHG only.
DT Time step specification, d (s). If DT is positive it will be the time step used from the current time to TCHG. If DT is zero, the program will select the time step automatically (Col. 11-20).
  >0 - Time step to be used from the current time to TCHG.

0 - Automatic time stepping to be used for transient analysis or zero for steady-state analysis.

DT must not be zero for the first time step of the simulation time, unless the steady-state option (NCALL = 4 or 5) is used. If transient radionuclide solutions are to simulated after a steady-state flow analysis, enter a zero TCHG and DT for the first recurrent data set. In the second recurrent data set introduce the nuclide source and enter non-zero DT.

The following six parameters are used only if the automatic time-step feature is selected, i.e., if DT = 0. If this feature is selected, the program will automatically vary the time-step as it seeks a value such that the maximum changes in the concentration, pressure and temperature are less than or equal to the specified values.

DCMX Maximum change desired per time step for the radioactive/trace-component concentration. The default value is 0.95 (Col. 21-30).

DSMX Maximum change desired per time step for the brine concentration. The default value is 0.25 (Col. 31-40).

DPMX Maximum change desired per time step for the pressure, psi (Pa). The default value is 50 psi (350,000 Pa) (Col. 41-50).

DTPMX Maximum change desired per time step for the temperature, EF (EC). The default value is 9EF (5EC) (Col. 51-60).

DTMAX Maximum time step allowed, d (s). The default value is 30 d (2.6 x 106 s) (Col. 61-70).

DTMIN Minimum time step required, d (s). The default value is 1.0 d (8.64 x 104 s) (Col. 71-80).

Note: Column identified in cols. 71-80 cannot be used on this record. use beyond col. 81 to label this record if desired.


READ R2-13 (14I5) Output Control.

LIST: I01, I02, I03, I04, I05, I06, I08, RSTWR, MAP, MDAT, IIPRT, IO5D, I08D, IIPRTD
  I01 Control parameter for the frequency of time-step summary. The time-step summary gives mass-balance information for both the global system and the local subsystems. It also characterizes the state of the global system via the average reservoir pressure, and the maximum pressure, concentration and temperature changes in any block during the time step (Col. 1-5).

I02 Control parameter for the frequency of the well summary. For each well this summary gives production and injection rates of fluid, heat and brine, cumulative production and injection, well-head and bottom-hole pressures, well-head and bottom-hole temperatures and the grid-block pressure in which the bottom-hole of the well is located. This summary also gives the total production and injection rates and the total cumulative production and injection (Col. 6-10).

I03 Frequency control for listing the grid-block values of concentration, temperature and pressure for the global system and the local subsystems (Col. 11-15).

I04 Control parameter for printing the injection/ production rates in each layer for each well (Col. 16-20).

I05 Control parameter for listing the grid-block values of radionuclide concentrations for the global system (Col. 21-25).

I06 Control parameter for listing of aquifer-influence and boundary rates (Col. 26-30).

The following values apply to all six of the above parameters:
  -1 - Omit printing for all time steps from the current time through TCHG, inclusive.

0 - Print at the end of each time step.

1 - Print only at time TCHG.

n(>1) - Print at the end of every n-th time step and at the time TCHG.

I08 Control parameter for selectively listing the grid-block values of the primary variables for the global system. The listings are printed according to the frequency specified by I03. This parameter gives one the option for not printing selected tables, as desired. This parameter requires a three-digit specification. The first (left-most) digit refers to pressure, the second to temperature and the third to brine concentration. A negative number allows for windowing via R2-16 (Col. 31-35).
  0 - The grid-block values will be printed.

1 - The grid-block values (pressure at datum or temperature or brine concentration) will not be printed.

2 - Refers to the first digit only. Neither the pressure nor the pressure at datum will be printed.

For example, if only grid block values of temperature are desired, then enter I08 = 201.

RSTWR Restart-record control parameter (Col. 36-40).

0 - No restart record will be written.

1 - Restart record will be written on UNIT 8 at time TCHG.

MAP Parameter for printing contour maps at time TCHG. Only two-dimensional maps are printed. The maps are printed for r-z coordinates in a cylindrical system and for x-y coordinates (areal maps) in a Cartesian system. If NY = 1 then maps may also be obtained for x-z coordinates (vertical cross sections) in a Cartesian system. Areal maps cannot be printed for a cylindrical system. This parameter requires a four digit specification, the first digit referring to all of the radionuclide concentrations, the second to pressures, the third to temperatures and the fourth to brine concentrations (Col. 41-45).
  0 - The variable will not be mapped.

1 - Areal map (x-y) at TCHG.

2 - Vertical cross-sectional map (x-z or r-z).

3 - Vertical cross-sectional map (y-z).

For example, if contour maps are desired for areal pressure at datum and vertical temperature only, enter MAP = 0120.

For radionuclides, all components are mapped.

For pressure, either pressure at datum, environmental head or freshwater head in printing depending on the value of LMAPIT (M-2).

The type of map output is controlled on Record R2-14. This includes listable output, matrix and x, y, z formats.

MDAT Control parameter for entering the mapping specifications (R2-14, R2-14.5, R2-15) (Col. 46-50).

0 - The mapping specifications are not to be changed.

1 - Read new mapping specifications. If activating the printing of contour maps for the first time during the current run, MDAT must be entered as one and MAP must be greater than zero.

IIPRT Intermediate print control for the global system. This parameter requires two or more digits for its specification of the form 10n + i. Here n is the frequency control with the same options as those used for IO1 through IO6 (see note following IO6). Parameter i is the function control with the following options (Col. 51-55).
  0 - None of the output listed below will be activated.

1 - Darcy velocities will be printed.

2 - Transmissibilities, Peclet and Courant number will be printed in addition to the velocities.

3 - Fluid densities, viscosities, enthalpies and dispersions will be printed, in addition to the quantities listed above.

For example, to print velocity at the end of the time change TCHG (R2-12), enter a value of 11. It may be desirable to use the value of 13 during debugging, but this will create significantly large output files. Also, as the parameters don't change significantly with time, it is not recommended to print values every time step. If output is not desired, enter 00.

IO5D Control parameter for listing the grid-block values of the radionuclide concentrations for the local subsystems, i.e., matrix (Col. 56-60).

IO8D Control parameter for selectively listing the grid-block values of the primary variables for the local subsystems. The listings are printed according to the frequency specified by IO3 (Col. 61-65).

IIPRTD Intermediate print control for the local sub-systems. This parameter is analogous to the global control IIPRT. It also has the form 10n + i where n carries the frequency options used for IO1 through IO6 (see note following IO6) and where i carries the function control given under IIPRT (Col. 66-70).


Enter the following data in Reads R2-14, R2-14.5, R2-15 only if contour maps are desired, i.e., if MAP … 0000 (READ R2-13) and if MDAT = 1 (READ R2-13).

It is not necessary to enter these records each time a map is to be printed. One only needs to enter R2-14, R2-14.5 and R2-15 once, unless mapping specifications are to be changed with time.

READ R2-14 (6I5) Map Orientation Control.

LIST: NORNXY, NORNXZ, NORNYZ, KMP6, KMP10, KMP13 NORNXY, Map orientation factors for areal and vertical

NORNXZ, maps, respectively.


0 - The map is printed with the first-coordinate (r for radial geometry) increasing from left to right and the second ordinate increasing up the computer page, i.e., the x=0, y=0 point is the bottom left hand corner for areal map.

1 - First ordinate increases from left to right and second ordinate increases down the computer page. The origin is the upper left hand corner. Use this for cross-sections where depth is positive downward.

-1 - Use this for cross sections where elevation is positive upwards.

KMP6, Control parameters for listing and writing of

KMP10, map output files on Unit 6 (line printer), Unit

KMP13 10 (x,y,z format as specified in Section 10.5) and Unit 13 (matrix grids). See Table 10.1 for file naming.

0 - Write to file.

-1 - No file writing.

READ R2-14.5 (6E10.0) Physical Dimensions of Map.
  XYXL,XYYL The x and y map lengths in inches, respectfully, for all the areal maps.

XZXL,XZZL The x/r and z map lengths in inches, respectively, for all the vertical (x-z) maps.

YZYL,YZZL The y and z map lengths in inches, respectively, for all the vertical (y-z) maps.

Assume output device is 10 characters per inch, 6 lines per inch.

READ R2-15 (6I5, 2E10.0)

Enter one record for each map requested on R2-13 record. For example, if MAP = 0103, areal pressures and vertical brine concentration maps will be generated. Therefore, 2 data records should be entered here for this example. Note that all nuclide components of concentration are mapped. These data are used for all components present in the simulation.

LIST: I1(I), I2(I), J1(I), J2(I), K1(I), K2(I), AMIN (I),

AMAX(I), I=1, Number of MAPS requested.

I1, I2 Lower and upper limits, inclusive, on the I-coordinate of the region to be mapped.

J1, J2 Lower and upper limits, inclusive, on the J-coordinate of the region to be mapped.

K1, K2 Lower and upper limits, inclusive, on the K-coordinate of the region to be mapped.

AMIN, The minimum and maximum values of the variable

AMAX used to derive the 20 contour intervals. If the variable in any grid block is higher than AMAX, it will be indicated as AMAX. If AMAX is entered as zero, the program will search for the maximum among all the grid block values and use as AMAX. Similarly, a large negative number for AMIN (#-99) will cause the program to search for the minimum and use as AMIN.

The data entered up to this point are sufficient for simulation of the system through time TCHG. To continue, another recurrent data set is attached. However, to terminate the simulation phase of the run, one should enter ITHRU = 1 in a single READ R2-1 termination card. If any plots are desired, i.e., if NPLP or NPLT or NPLC equals one, then the plotting data (READ P-2 through P-4) should follow. If no plots are desired, then ITHRU = 1 will terminate the execution.


Enter the following data if I08 (R2-13) is less than zero.

READ R2-16 (6I5) Windowing Output Control.

NI1, NI2 Lower and upper limits, inclusive of the window in the x-direction.

NJ1, NJ2 Lower and upper limits, inclusive of the window in the y-direction.

NK1, NK2 Lower and upper limits, inclusive of the window in the z-direction.