Four different physical properties are taken to be functions of global rock type, namely thermal conductivities, dispersivities, distribution coefficients and salt-dissolution rates. Thermal conductivities and dispersivities are read by READ1 and distribution coefficients by READ0. Here, as a part of the input to READ1A, the rock-type specification and the salt dissolution rates are prescribed. In addition, all of the parameters defining the waste-leaching process within the repository are specified by the R1A input data set.


If NRT = 1, skip to READ R1A-2 since all blocks are assumed by default to be of Type 1. Otherwise enter the desired number of changes, terminating with a blank record.


READ R1A-1 (7I5) Modification of Rock Types.

I1A, I1B Lower and upper limits, inclusive, on the I index of region of modified rock type.

J1A, J1B (Similar definition for the J index).

IRT Rock type.  

READ R1A-2 (7E10.0) Salt-Dissolution Coefficients.

LIST: (ACS(I), I=1,NRT) ACS Product of the rate dissolution constant and the mass fraction of solubles to total dry mass, d-1 (s-1).


The user should skip to READ R2-1 if NREPB = 0. If NCP = 0 and NREPB … 0, skip to READ R1A-5.


READ R1A-3 (I5) Waste Type.

LIST: ILEVEL ILEVEL Waste-type identifier.

0 - The waste-volume density is to be input directly.

1 - Canistered-storage data is to be input and used internally to calculate the waste-volume density.

READ R1A-4 (4E10.0) Storage Specifications.
  SCNSTR Center-to-center canister separation within each row, ft (m). Used only for storage of canistered wastes.

DCNSTR For canistered wastes (ILEVEL = 1) DCNSTR is the diameter of each canister, ft (m). For uncanistered wastes (ILEVEL = 0) DCNSTR is the volumetric waste density (volume of wastes per bulk volume of repository blocks).

HCNSTR Canister height, ft (m). Used only for storage of canistered wastes.

Arbitrary units may be used above and then converted to the English Engineering System (SI System) via R1A-5.

Figure 6-1. Specification of the Canistered Waste.
Fig 6-1

READ R1A-5 (4E10.0) UNIT Conversions.

CONVL For canistered wastes (ILEVEL = 1) CONVL multiplies SDRIFT, SCNSTR, DCNSTR, and HCNSTR to convert to ft (m). For uncanistered wastes (ILEVEL = 0) CNVL multiplies only DCNSTR to convert to ft3 (m3) of wastes per bulk ft3 (m3).

CONVC This parameter multiplies the waste concentrations (R1A-8) to convert to lb/ft3 (kg/m3).

CONVT This parameter multiplies the given interpolation times (R1A-7) to convert to days (seconds).

CONVH This parameter multiplies the repository heat loadings (R1A-8.5) to convert to Btu/ft2-d (J/m2-s).

The default value for CONVL, CONVC, CONVT and CONVH is one. Thus, a blank or zero input value is reset to unity.


READ R1A-6 (6I5) Repository Location.

LIST: I1A, I1B, J1A, J1B, K1A, K1B
  I1A, I1B Upper and lower limits, inclusive, on the I index of the repository region.

J1A, J1B (Similar definition for the J index).

K1A, K1B (Similar definition for the K index).

The repository blocks are assumed to be contiguous. Thus, only one input record R1A-6 is permitted, and no terminating blank record is necessary.


READ R1A-7 (7E10.0) Interpolation Times.

  CTIME Interpolation times, d (s).

Arbitrary units may be used here and then converted via CONVT (READ R1A-5) if desired.

If NCP = 0, skip to READ R1A-8.5.

The user must enter NCP groups of records below. However, the information will be used only for those components being tracked within the entire global system, i.e., the information will be used only if CNAME below matches one of the DI identifiers (READ R0-1).


READ R1A-8 (2A4,2X,6E10.0/(7E10.0)) Interpolation of Unleached Concentrations.

LIST: (CNAME(I), I=1,2), (CNDUM(I), I=1,NTIME)
  CNAME Identification of radioactive component.

CNDUM If interpolation is to be used, then CNDUM represents the concentrations at the interpolation times expressed as mass per unit volume of waste. If interpolation is not used, then CNDUM(1) is the initial condition for the chain decay.


If KHEAT = 0, skip to READ R1A-9.

READ R1A-8.5 (7E10.0) Repository Heat Loadings.

  ARHLD Repository heat loading expressed as energy input per unit time per unit area in the x-y plane.

If NCP = 0, skip to READ R2-1.

READ R1A-9 (7E10.0) Solubility Limits.

  CS Solubility limits expressed as mass fractions.
The code applies the solubility constraint C(I) # CS(I) for component I only within the repository region specified in READ R1A-6.