The STLINE streamline model provides an efficient and economical means of computing particle-movement trajectories, distances and times. The model uses a discrete steady-state velocity field or a series of velocity fields created from a previous flow simulation. After establishing initial particle locations, the program tracks the movement of individual particles through time. The trajectory (or streamline) of each particle may be displayed as a trace of discrete points as viewed in each of three orthogonal planes within an assumed Cartesian coordinate system. Any consistent set of units may be used.

The program is written with a flexible input format. Grid block dimensions, velocities and porosities are read as unformatted records from a previous flow simulation using SWIFT/486 (Reeves et al., 1986a and b; Ward et al., 1993).


The grid is assumed to consist of a set of rectangular parallel pipes, or grid blocks, like the one shown in Figure 1. The SWIFT code calculates potentials at grid-block centers and then differences them to obtain interstitial fluid velocities at the grid-block edges. Thus, only the centers and edges of the individual cells are of concern. For particle tracking, however, intra-cell translations must be determined, and it is convenient to supplement the system, or global coordinates (X,Y,Z) with local grid-block coordinates (x,y,z) (see Figure 14.1).

Because velocities are known only at the grid-block edges, interpolation is used within individual cells. The program uses linear interpolation. Thus, for any local position (x,y,z), the x-component of velocity is given by



Here, and throughout this section, only relations for the x component are presented since comparable relations for the y and z components may be obtained easily by analogy. In Eqs. (1) and (2), V1x and V2x denote edge velocities and DX denotes a grid-block width, as shown in Figure 14.1.

 The distance travelled (dx, dy, dz) in the time step dt may be determined analytically by integrating the equation




Figure 14-1. Intra-cell translation of a particle.
The local coordinate system (x,y,z) for grid-block (I,J,K)
is imbedded within a global system (X,Y,Z).
for each coordinate. However, this yields exponential relations for the coordinate changes. Thus, it is more efficient to approximate the velocity by an average of the two end-point values, yielding





 Solving Eqs. (4) and (5) for Dx yields the result



 From the coordinate increments, as determined from equations of the form of Eq. (6), the incremental path length is obtained from



 In applying Eq. (6) and its counterparts in the y and z directions, two inaccuracies can occur. One of them may be described as an inter-cell error, which results from a particle crossing a cell boundary. In such an event, the particle velocity is determined by extrapolation of Eqs. (1) and (2) for the source cell rather than using velocities appropriate for the receiver cell. To minimize such errors, it is necessary that



 where the angle brackets denote the grid-cell average


 The other error may be described as an intra-cell error resulting from the approximation of Eq. (4). There the error term of least order is given by


 assuming a linear variation in velocities within the grid block. Both Eqs. (8) and (10) imply a limitation on the time step. Analytical application of these equations is somewhat difficult due to their grid-cell dependence and the uncertainty of the particle paths. Practical application of the error relations of Eqs. (7) and (9), however, may be implemented easily by making a very rough estimate of the time step from Eq. (8).

 In order to determine particle trajectories and, hence, the streamlines of the flow field, the STLINE code accumulates global position coordinates for each particle using the increments as defined in Eq. (6). Adding a subscript to indicate particle identity and a superscript to indicate the time step, the resulting coordinate may be expressed as



with comparable relations for Ypn and Zpn. For each trajectory, the program also accumulates a global path length from the path length increments defined in Eq. (7):




The STLINE program consists of a main program and several subroutines. The input consists of input/output control parameters; grid-structure values; flow information, i.e., Darcy velocities and porosities; initial particle positions; time-increment variables; and plotting specifications. The output consists of three-dimensional arrays of Darcy velocities, and porosities in one file and files of particle trajectories, or streamlines.

Initial particle locations (X , Y , Z ) within the global grid system are specified in input record R11 (see next section) by real numbers of the form (I.i, J.j, K.k). Integers I, J and K denote the grid block, and the remaining fractions i, j, and k correspond to the fractional distance across that grid block in the x, y, and z directions, respectively. An example is the centroid of the first grid-block (1,1,1), which is specified with the coordinates (1.5, 1.5, 1.5).

The tracking of the individual particles as they move from their initial locations is accomplished by means of the five parameters TMAX, TOLXY, TOLZ, FRACDXY, and FRACDZ, which are input on record R5. These parameters determine the automatic time stepping for each particle with special attention for horizontal and vertical movement. The parameter TMAX is the total desired simulation time. Particles will be translated up to a value TMAX unless limited by the maximum number of time steps. The automatic time steps are controlled by the allowable fractional block distance. The parameters FRACDXY and FRACDZ define the fractional (i.e., distance normalized with respect to block increment dimension) movement desired. The fractional movement in turn is used to determine the desired time step. This scheme allows for automatic updating of the time step as a particle experiences changes in the velocity field from block to block. The code seeks to provide stability in Courant ratio (Vdt/DX).

Streamlines are calculated with individual time stepping. The time step is chosen based on the minimum travel time for horizontal (x or y) and vertical (z) directions. The control parameters FRACDXY and FRACDZ may be tuned to best fit a streamline. A zero value can be entered for FRACDZ in order to skip vertical projection calculations. This would be appropriate for many three-dimensional applications where horizontal translation control the time step criteria. In many hydrologic applications, FRACDXY will be most useful.

 Streamlines which pass through perimeter or boundary grid blocks will be sensitive, of course, to the boundary velocities. Unfortunately, such velocities typically are not defined by block-centered finite-difference codes, for which STLINE has been designed. Consequently, option parameters IBCX, IBCY, and IBCZ have been provided in input record R6. These parameters permit one either to specify a no-flow boundary or to set the velocity to that of the adjacent block edge for each of the three coordinate directions i.e., if the flow model has a discharge boundary such as a river or prescribed head boundary.

Transient velocity fields may be used by creating a series of velocity records with SWIFT-98. Values are written to the file each time they are printed as controlled by variable IIPRT on Record R2-13 of the SWIFT-98 data file. The transient velocity fields are read (variable ITRANS, Record R2) and linear interpolation is used between epocs. If the first velocity is written at times other than zero, the first velocity field is held constant between time zero and when the first velocity is written. Thereafter interpolation between two velocity fields is performed.

The final topic to be discussed in this section is, appropriately, that of termination of the particle tracking. As indicated above, a maximum simulation time is specified within the input. However, the code is made more efficient by three additional termination criteria. Particle tracking is terminated whenever one (or more) of the following conditions is met:

1. The maximum allowable simulation time is exceeded;

2. The maximum number of allowable calculation time steps (ITMAX, Record R2) is exceeded;

3. All of the particles have exited from the flow field i.e., at a river or prescribed head boundary; and

4. The minimum bound, or tolerance (TOLXY or TOLZ, Record R5), on particle movement is reached by all of the particles.

An example of Item (3) is provided by the converging flow field of a production well in which all particles leave the system. An example of Item (4) is provided by the diverging flow field of an injection well. In the extremities of this field, interstitial velocities would be sufficiently small such that additional tracking of particles would be unnecessary. In addition to controlling the calculation as a whole, the tolerance conditions of Item (4) is also applied on a particle-by-particle basis. Thus, if the fractional movement, as defined in terms of grid block dimensions (i.e., dx/DX), is less than that specified by the TOLXY or TOLZ variable for any particular particle, the particle is "frozen" in place, and further calculations are eliminated for that particle.



The STLINE program requires:

 1. Input data file to define the particle location and print options.

2. Velocity file from a previous SWIFT/486 simulation.

3. Screen input to define the above files.

  The input data file is a set of records, created via a text editor. The individual records are defined in Section 14.4.1. The velocity file may contain one or more velocity fields from a flow simulation. The file format is binary or unformatted and the contents described in Section 14.4.2. In executing the STLINE program, the above mentioned file names are prompted for on the screen or may be entered directly on the command line, i.e.,






INSTL.DAT is the input data file for STLINE and


SW_RUN1.VL is the output velocity from the SWIFT/486 simulation using SW_RUN1.DAT.


The program optionally writes several files:


1. Output listing which echoes the input and provides tabular listings of particle locations.


2. SURFER7 boundary line files where line segments are concatenated, one boundary line for each particle.


3. MODPATH pathline file, similar to boundary line file, but formatted the same as output created by MODPATH (Pollock, 1989). MODPATH is the pathline post processor for MODFLOW (McDonald and Harbaugh, 1988).


4. SURFER7 posting file to allow posting of symbols or time display in conjunction with the boundary line file.


A summary of the files is presented in Table 14-1. Each file type is discussed in detail, followed by a sample problem.



Table 14-1. Data files, unit numbers, and file suffix.
 * Screen Display ---
 5  Input File   .DAT
 6  Output (80 col.) Listing   .OUT
 7  SWIFT-98 Input Velocity (Binary)   .VL
 8  SURFER Boundary Line   .BLN
 9  MODPATH Pathline   .TRK
 10  SURFER Posting Data   .DPS


14.4.1 Input Data


The following data define the parameters used in the particle tracking program. This includes the control variables, the simulation option and initial particle location are defined. This is read from UNIT 5 and is an ASCII formatted file.







TITLE One record of alphanumeric data for a title.






  NX, NY, NZ Number of grid blocks in x, y and z directions (col. 1-5, 6-10, 11-15).

NP Number of particles to be tracked (col. 16-20).

NTM Maximum number of time increments (col. 21-25).

ITRANS Index for transient velocity field input (col. 26-30):

0=Steady-state velocity

1=Transient velocity


IDBUG Index for diagnostic output control (col. 31-35):

0=No printing

1=Partial diagnostic

2=Complete diagnostic

 IREVS Control on direction of particle tracking (col. 36-40):
  0=Forward tracking

1=Reverse tracking






  The print options include control parameter prefixed with I or K. The I indicates yes/no, i.e.,
  0 = No print

1 = Print

The K indicates frequency where
  0 or 1 = every time step

n = every n'th time step

IDX Control parameters for printing (.OUT) the grid-block increment arrays DX, DY and DZ (col. 1-5).   IVX, IVY, IVZ Control parameters for printing (.OUT) Darcy-velocity arrays UX, UY and UZ, (cols. 6-10, 11-15, 16-20), respectively.   IPHI Control parameter for printing (.OUT) the porosity array PHI (col. 21-25).

KPNT Frequency control parameter for printing (.OUT) particle locations at the end of each timestep (col. 26-30). [A zero or one means every time step]

  ISUR Control parameter for writing SURFER? boundary line file (.BLN) and posting file (.DPS) where (col. 31-35):
  0=No file

1=X-Y coordinates are listed

2=Y-Z coordinates are listed

3=X-Z coordinates are listed

  IELEV Control parameter for SURFER orientation where (col. 36-40):
  0 = Z is elevation

1 = Z is in depth

  KSUR Frequency control for writing SURFER boundary line (.BLN) records, i.e., write every KSUR'th timestep (col. 41-45). [A zero or one means every time step]   KPST Frequency control for writing SURFER posting (.DPS) records, i.e., write every KPST'th timestep (col. 46-50). [A zero or one means every time step]   IMOD Control parameter for writing MODPATH (.TRK) particle location file (col. 51-55).   KMOD Frequency control for writing MODPATH (.TRK) records, i.e., write every KMOD'th timestep (col. 56-60).  



LIST: (XI(I), YI(I), ZI(I), I = 1, NP)


XI, YI ZI Initial or starting particle coordinates (cols. 1-10, 11-20, 21-30).   NOTE: Particle locations are specified here as (I.i, J.j, K.k). Two examples of this notation are the following:


(1.5, 1.5, 1.5) is the centroid of block (1,1,1)

(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) is a top outside corner of the system


NOTE: A total of NP records are required here.





  TMAX Maximum simulation time limit (col. 1-10).

TOLXY Minimum tolerance of particle movement in the x or y direction (Default = 0.005). [Tolerance is defined as the smallest allowable coordinate change, relative to the local block dimension. To terminate calculations sooner, enter a larger value. To allow more or continued calculations enter a smaller value. In sink blocks, a particle may overshoot the "exit" if given an inappropriate value.] (col. 11-20).

TOLZ Minimum tolerance of particle movement in the z-direction (col. 21-30).

FRACDXY Fractional block distance (fraction of DX or DY) allowed in either the x or y direction per time increment (col. 31-40). [Values range from 1x10-20 to 0.5, typically 0.05]

FRACDZ Fractional block distance allowed (fraction of DZ) in the z-direction per time increment (col. 41-50). Enter a zero to force horizontal FRACDXY control. [Values range from 1x10-20 to 0.5, typically 0.05]

TSCLSR Scale factor for the printed values of time on output files (col. 51-60). [For example to list values in years, enter 0.0239 (1/365) to convert SWIFT output in days]

HDAT Value to override HDATUM in SWIFT velocity file (col. 61-70). Enter a zero to use the SWIFT value directly.






IBCX1, IBCX2, Control parameters for specifying boundary

IBCY1, IBCY2, conditions on all sides of system in each

IBCZ1, IBCZ2 coordinate direction (col. 1-5, 6-10, 11-15).


The following values apply to each parameter: 0=Boundary velocities are set equal to zero

1=Adjacent block velocities in the specified

direction are used at the boundary edge


14.4.2 Velocity File

The velocity file from the execution of the SWIFT-98 code is an unformatted file containing the grid, the components of velocity and the value of time.



RECORD V1 (Unformatted) VERSION



NUM A 12-character string containing "Version 2.54"





HDATUM Datum depth measured relative to reference plane (REAL*8, see SWIFT Record R1-16).



RECORD V3 (Unformatted) GRID

LIST: NXX, NYY, (DX(I), I=1, NXX), (DY(J), J=1, NYY)

  NXX, NYY Number of grid blocks in x and y-directions (Integer*4).


DX, DY Arrays of grid-block increments for x and y coordinates (Real*8).


NOTE: The program checks to see that NXX = NX and NYY = NY


RECORD V4 (Unformatted) DEPTH

LIST: (H(M), M=1, NB)

  H Depth to grid block center measured positively downward starting from top-most layer of blocks (Real*8).


NOTE: Indices M and NB represent the grid-block index and the number of grid blocks. The latter is defined in terms of the dimensions: NB = NX*NY*NZ  The former is defined in terms of the indices (I,J,K) by M = I + (J-1)*NX + (K-1)*NX*NY


LIST: (DZ(M), M=1, NB)


DZ Saturated grid block thickness starting with top most layer (Real*8).




LIST: (PHI(M), M=1, NB)


PHI Array of saturated grid-block pore volumes (Real*8).


NOTE: PHI = DX*DY*DZ*porosity*saturation, where saturation is the fractional water level elevation in a block.

RECORD V7 (Unformatted) VELOCITY

LIST: (UX(M), M=1, NB), (UY(M), M=1, NB), (UZ(M), M=1, NB)

  UX, UY, UZ Darcy-velocity arrays (Real*8).


NOTE: According to the indexing convention UX(M) = UX (I,J,K) is the x-component of Darcy velocity at the interface between blocks (I-1,J,K) and (I,J,K). A similar convention holds for UY and UZ.



RECORD V8 (Unformatted) PRESSURE

LIST: (P(M), M=1, NB)


P Pressure at elevation (Real*8). This data is read in from SWIFT output but not used directly in particle travel calculations.    


LIST: (BW(M), M=1, NB)


BW Fluid density (Read *8)  


RECORD V10 (Unformatted) TIME



RDTIME Time at which preceding velocity file was calculated (Real*8). This has units of days for English, or seconds for metric. See SWIFT-98 input record IUNIT on Record M-2.   14.4.3 Boundary Line File


The boundary line file (with .BLN extension) format is designed for direct input into SURFER as follows:


X(1) Y(1)
X(2) Y(2)
X(3) Y(3)
. .
. .
X(1) Y(1)
X(2) Y(2)
X(3) Y(3)
. .
. .


where NPTS1 is the number of points to define the first particle (i.e., particle A). Zero has a value of 0. The second particle (i.e., particle B) follows directly. There is one set of paired vectors for each of the particles. Because STLINE is three-dimensional and SURFER? is two-dimensional, the user must select the orientation for the SURFER? boundary line file. On Record R3, variable ISUR in the STLINE input control file, the user identifies the orientation of slice as:


1 for X-Y plane,

2 for Y-Z plane,

3 for X-Z plane.


Also on Record R3, variable IELEV, the user selects the SURFER? orientation for Z as follows:


0 for elevation,

1 for depth.



14.4.4 Pathline File


The pathline file (with .TRK extension) for defined by MODPATH (Pollock, 1989) contains the following:


1. Particle index number, (col. 1-15)
2. Global coordinate in the x-direction, (col. 16-35)
3. Global coordinate in the y-direction, (col. 37-56)
4. Local coordinate in the z-direction within the cell, (col. 58-77)
5. Global coordinate in the z-direction, (col. 79-98)
6. Cumulative travel time, (col. 100-119)
7. J index of cell containing the point, (col 121-123)
8. I index of cell containing the point, (col 125-127)
9. K index of cell containing the point (col. 129-131).

The output is ASCII using the format (Fortran):


FORMAT (I15,1X,5(E20.12,1X),2(I3,1X),I3).


Note that in the MODPATH convention J refer the column or the x-direction in SWIFT and I refers to the y-direction. Other existing software used to present MODPATH output may then be used to display pathlines from STLINE.



14.4.5 Posting File


The SURFER posting file (with .DPS extension) is an ASCII file contains:


X(1) Y(1) T(1) ALF(1) P(1)
X(2) Y(2) T(2) ALF(2) P(2)
X(3) Y(3) T(3) ALF(3) P(3)
. . . .
. . . .
X(N) Y(N) T(N) ALF(N) P(N)


where: X() is the first ordinate,

Y() is the second ordinate,

T() is the elapsed travel time,

ALF() is the velocity vector angle, measured counterclockwise relative to the x-axis, and

P() is the one character identification, i.e., A, B, C etc.


There are N records depending on the number of time steps for each particle and the frequency of writing (Record R3, variable KPST on the control input file). It is recommended that the value of KPST be a multiple of KSUR. This would result in selecting posting of the symbol or value of time along each of the path lines.



In order to illustrate the use of the streamline program, the problem of an injection well in a uniform flow field is presented. The flow field is generated by a steady-state flow simulation using SWIFT-98, and then several streamlines are generated via the particle-tracking method of STLINE. In addition, a comparison is made between the numerical model and analytic results. The sample problem constitutes a verification of the SWIFT-STLINE combination.


14.5.1 Description of the Problem

Two of the most important features of the problem of steady-state injection into a uniform flow field are: (1) the existence of a groundwater divide which separates aquifer fluid from injected fluid; and (2) the existence of a stagnation point. Figure 14-2 shows this point for the sample problem under consideration here. Also, the analytic streamline differs only insignificantly from the groundwater divide.

Figure 14-2. Analytic streamlines for an injection well in a uniform flow field.
Fig 14-2

These two points may be examined more carefully by considering the analytic solution. Using the notation of Bear (1979, p. 367), this solution may be written in two different forms. First, the piezometric head is given by:




and secondly, the stream function is given by:





f = piezometric head,

X = stream function,

qo = ambient Darcy velocity (specific discharge),

K = hydraulic conductivity,

B = aquifer thickness, and

Qw = flow rate (Qw > 0 for injection).


The second equation is more important because constant values of the stream function characterize different streamlines.


The groundwater divide is defined by Eq. (14) with the conditions y ? 0 and tan-1 (y/x) 6 p, as discussed by Bear (1972, p. 324). The resulting equation for the divide streamline is:




where the signs denote the two branches for y < 0 and y > 0. This curve has the asymptotes:




The second noteworthy feature of the analysis is the existence of a stagnation point. Equation (15) is undefined for y=0. However, the abscissa of this point may be obtained through a limiting process, and is given by

The point (xs, 0) represents that point at which the flow diverges at right angles to the x axis. This is therefore a null point for which there is not flow, i.e., a point of stagnation.


14.5.2 Input Data


The hydrological data for the sample problem is shown in Table 14-2. In addition, grid information is required by both SWIFT and STLINE. Fine gridding is used in the vicinity of the well in order to resolve numerically the logarithmic behavior of the fluid pressure, Eq. (13). Increments are chosen to vary from 5 m to 10,000 m in both x and y directions as they emanate from the well, as may be inferred from the limited region shown in Figure 14-3 and Table 14-3. Numerical streamlines are quite sensitive to the width of the system Ly. For the analytical model, an infinite system is used, whereas for the numerical model, a finite system is used of necessity. For comparison with analytic results, this width is:




Equation (18) shows the system width (for the numerical simulation) in terms of a fundamental unit of the physical system, namely the asymptote of the groundwater divide, Eq. (16).


The initial particle locations are specified in Card R4. As indicated, STLINE uses the representation M.m for definition of initial coordinates where M is the value of the block index I, J, or K, and m is the fractional distance across the block, in the direction of increasing M. Initial locations are shown in Figure 14-3. They are also given in STLINE and SWIFT coordinates in Table 14-2.


14.5.3 Results


Results of the sample problem are given in Figure 14-4. Six streamlines are shown using the SURFER output of STLINE. As

Table 14-2. Characteristic Parameters of the Aquifer and the Injection Well for the Sample Problem.
Parameter Value
Ambient Darcy Velocity 1.5 x 10-8 m/s
Hydraulic Conductivity 4.0 x 10-6 m/s
Porosity 0.1
Aquifer Thickness 125 m
Injection Rate 1.5 x 10-3 m3/s
Table 14-3. Coordinates (meters) of Initial Particle Locations.
STLINE (I.i, J.j)
31,183 2.5
20.5, 1.5
31,059 2.5
 15.5, 1.5
31,240 2.5
25.5, 1.5
31,183 53.3
20.5, 5.5
31,059 53.3
15.5, 5.5
31,240 53.3
25.5, 5.5
 WELL 31,189 0.0
21.5, 1.0
Figure 14-3. Initial particle and well locations in SWIFT, STLINE,
and well-centered coordinates systems. All distances are in meters.
Fig 14-3
Figure 14-4. STLINE plots of streamlines generated by tracking Particles A-F
using SURFER command file INJSTL.CMD.
Fig 14-4

shown, there is a small discrepancy between numeric and analytic data. This circumstance could result from a difference in the treatment of the injection well. For the
analytic model, this well is located precisely at one point. However, for the numeric model, the injection rate is spread uniformly over one 5x5 m grid block. (For pictorial purposes, only the well is located at the grid-block centroid in Figure 14-3.) A more likely source of the discrepancy, however, is the total region size, particularly in the lateral y direction. For the analytical solution, an infinite region was used whereas, of necessity, a finite region was used for the numerical solution.


Improvements could be achieved by further increases in region size and modifications of the grid. However, such refinements are not necessary here since the primary objective is to demonstrate the use of the streamline program, and for that purpose, the present calculation is quite adequate.



This problem demonstrates the application of stream lines with STLINE. The example application utilizes a three-dimensional flow system composed of variable thickness and variable elevation grid blocks to simulate a typical valley-fill aquifer transversed by a river. The three-dimensional, SWIFT grid, Figure 14-5, is composed of 39 x 29 x 3 blocks ranging 150 to 600 feet horizontally. Thicknesses vary from 5 to 90. Model boundary conditions include a head-dependent condition for the river and constant head conditions for the upgradient and downgradient edges of the model. Water table conditions are instituted for the top layer of the model.

To demonstrate the movement of particles, three pumping wells are simulated causing local cones of depression. The steady-state potentiometric surface for model layer 2 is shown in Figure 14-5. Five stream lines are evaluated (A-E). Groundwater flow converges towards the river and the pumping wells. The streamlines are presented in areal and vertical sections in Figures 14-6 and 14-7. The vertical section in Figure 14-7 is a Y-Z slice along model column 25. The block centers of the model grid are also posted in Figure 14-7 demonstrating the variable thicknesses. The particle location, denoted by an asterisk, is printed at each n'th time step. Note the slower particle movement along streamline E where the gradient is less pronounced. Streamlines A, B, and C terminate at the pumping wells, while D and E terminate at the river, Figure 14-6.

Figure 14-5. Finite difference grid and potentiometric surface for model layer 2.
Fig 14-5
Figure 14-6. Areal (x-y) view of streamlines in stair-cased grid.
Fig 14-6
Figure 14-7. Vertical (y-z) view of streamlines and block centroids along column 25.
Fig 14-7




Roman Symbols


ax, bx Linear interpolation parameters for velocity component, Vx.


Total path length of particle p at time step n.


t Time.


Vx,Vy,Vz Components of the interstitial fluid velocities at any position (x,y,z).


V1x, V2x Velocity components at X and X + DX.


 x Arithmetic average of velocities at time t and t + dt.


{Vx} Arithmetic average of velocity components at X and X + DX.


X,Y,Z System, or global, coordinates of a typical particle.


X ,Y ,Z  Global coordinates of particle p at time step n.


x,y,z Grid-block, or local, coordinates


yz Asymptotic width between streamlines of injection well in a uniform flow field.


Greek Symbols


DX,DY,DZ Dimensions of a typical grid-block.


ds Incremental increase in path length occurring during dt.


dt Computational time step.


dx,dy,dz Positional changes of a reference particle occurring during time step dt.