Auxiliary disk files are used by the SWIFT model to perform the six different functions given in Table 10-1. Two of these functions are standard input and standard output, which require no discussion. The others consist of calculational restarts, mapping restarts, plots of well data mapping, mass balance, heterogeneous reservoir, nuclide monitor block, aquifer influence function, and streamline postprocessing. These functions do require further discussion which is provided herein. These files are written as controlled by various input data specifications. Note that creation of these files requires CPU time and disk space. For example, a restart file contains virtually all input and calculated values. Multiple restarts in one file for a large three-dimensional run can require tens of megabytes of storage. On the other hand, the use of a binary heterogeneous reservoir specification can be used to replace voluminous R1-21 ASCII records. This could reduce a 10 MB section of the standard input file with a substantially smaller binary. This binary file needs to be stored only once for a set of runs.


Figure 10-1 shows the basic sequence of events for restarting a calculation. As illustrated there, UNIT 8 is written during the execution of the direct run. This information is then read from UNIT 4 and the first restart run commences. Although it is not illustrated by the figure, another restart record may be written (on UNIT 8) during the second execution and the restarting process may be continued indefinitely.

Aside from the temporary-store variables, which are defined locally within each subroutine, all scalars and arrays are partitioned within the four common-block arrays. A restart procedure is initiated by simply setting the control

RSTWR = 1 (READ R2-13) (10-1) If this is done, say, by the direct run of Figure 10-1, then the common-block arrays are written on auxiliary storage using the following unformatted write commands: WRITE(8) (TWRITE(I),I=1,LTWRT)

WRITE(8) (G3(I),I=1,IG3LST) (10-2)

WRITE(8) (G2(I),I=1,IG2LST)



For protection against an abnormal termination, it is a good practice to write restart records at several different times during a relatively long run.

The calculation may be restarted by so indicating with the control

RSTRT = ITIME (READ M-2) (10-3)
Table 10-1. Definition of auxiliary files.
UNIT Function Default 
4 Input for restart calculation .RST
7 Output for streamline postprocessing .VL
8 Output for subsequent restart calculation .WR
9 Output for nuclide monitor post-processing .NM
10 Output for contouring based on mapping options .XYZ
11 Input for heterogeneous reservoir R1-21 .BIN
12 Input and output for plotting via SWIFT .WL
13 Output for contour mapping using MODFLOW format .MAP
15 Standard 80 column input .DAT
16 Standard 132 column output for printer .OUT
17 Output for mass balance summary .MBL
18 Output for aquifer influence function flux values .AIF

Unformatted files:

- Restart: UNIT 4 and 8.

- Heterogeneous reservoir (optional, see R1-21): UNIT 11.

- Contour mapping (optional) UNIT 10: Format is formatted if LMAPIT = x1 (M-3) and unformatted if LMAPIT = x2 (M-3). Also the creation is further controlled via KMP10 (R2-14).

Figure 10-1. Schematic of a Restart Calculation.
Fig 10-1

where ITIME indicates the time step of the particular restart record which is to be used to initialize the follow-up calculation. The code then simply reads the list of restart records written during the previous run(s) until the appropriate one is found, loads the common-block arrays and continues the calculation. A list of the appropriate data input is given in Table 10-2.


Assume that an auxiliary disk file has been loaded with several restart records, as described in the preceding section, and that it is desired to map the results present in some of those records. There are options in SWIFT which permit such to be done. The configuration is similar to that shown on the right-hand side of Figure 10-1. Thus, UNIT 4 contains the restart data which is read by the code, along with data from records, and maps are obtained in the output. The necessary record input is presented in Table 10-3. Basically, the function of this entire set of input data is to search the auxiliary unit for the appropriate restart record(s), as indicated by the time-step number(s) and then to map the primary variables as contour plots over the specified spatial domain. Mapping specifications may be changed from that originally given (at the time the restart record was made) as desired.

Table 10-2. Data input for a calculational restart.
Card Identifier Function
M-1 Title
M-2 Option Parameters (RSTRT > 0)
R2 Group(s) Recurrent-Data Input
P Group1 Plotting of Well Data
1Optional depending upon values of NPLP, NPLT and NPLC.
Table 10-3. Data input for a map from a restart file.
Card Identifier Function
M-1 Title
M-2 Option Parameters (RSTRT = -1)
   ---First Map from Restart Record---
M-6 Time-Step Number (IMPT > 0)
M-7 Mapping Control
R2-14 - R2-151 Map Specifications
  --Additional Maps From Restart Records2--
M-6 - R2-15  
M-6 Blank
1 Optional depending on MDAT and MAP (READ M-7)
2  Enter as many sets of these data as desired.


As in the case of mapping, plots may be obtained either at the time of a calculational run or from a separate plotting run. The purpose of this section is to elaborate on the latter. Figure 10-2 configures the case to be considered. As illustrated there, all plotting variables are written UNIT 12 by SWIFT. Providing, then, that this auxiliary file has been properly preserved, it may be attached for a plotting run.

To write UNIT 12, a formatted output statement is used, specifically in Subroutine PRINT2,


1630 FORMAT (2I5,7E12.5)

Here the parameters and variables are defined as follows:
Parameter Alias  Definition
KW I1I2 Well Number
I2 I2 Control Number
TXC U1 Time
PCW U2 Pressure at bottom-hole
PCS U3 Pressure at surface
TCW U4 Temperature at bottom-hole
TCS U5 Temperature at surface
CCC U6 Brine concentration
QW U7 Well flow rate

A record of the above form is written for each time step during the calculation.

In contrast to the writing of a restart record, the writing of UNIT 12 is not controlled by an integer such as RSTWR (READ R2-13). It is controlled only by the requirement that there must be wells in the system, i.e., NWT > 0. The control parameter I2 specifies the plots which are to be made. As discussed in Chapter 9 (see especially Table 9-1) the specification of plotting variables depends upon the well characteristics. Thus, only a selected number of the dependent variables of the above output list will be plotted depending upon whether the well is an injection, production or observation well and on whether surface or bottom-hole conditions are specified. Parameter I2 takes into account these factors.

The additional information necessary for plotting is that deriving from the standard input unit, i.e., the data on records. Table 10-4 characterizes this data. As illustrated, negative values of the plot controls NPLP, NPLT and NPLC are necessary to trigger the plotting from a previous run in that control is transferred immediately to the plotting routines. As many wells as desired may be used for the plotting.

The plot file ___.WL can easily be imported to a spreadsheet. The file format groups all wells for a time step, thus the data may require some rearrangement in order to develop a time series. For radionuclide discharge, it may be necessary to merge the ___.WL file with the nuclide monitor output (Section 10.8).

Figure 10-2. Schematic of Plotting from a Previous Run.
Fig 10-2
Table 10-4. Data input for plots from a previous run.
Card Identifier
Option Parameters (NPLP < 0, NPLT < 0 or NPLC < 0
P-2 - P-4
Data for One Well
P-2 - P-4
Data for Another Well1
 1 Enter date for each well for which plots are desired.



It is frequently helpful to present flow results in terms of streamlines. For this reason the appropriate information is written to the auxiliary file so that it may be processed by a streamline postprocessor. Figure 10-3 gives the configuration of such an operation. As shown there, UNIT 7 is prepared during the SWIFT run and is subsequently read by a streamline utility. The latter is denoted there by the acronym "STLINE."

The first record contains the current version number.


      The second record contains the depth to datum for converting between block depth and elevation.

      (2) WRITE(7) HDATUM /See R1-16


      The third record of information of UNIT 7 comes from the unformatted output statement:

      WRITE(7) NX, NY, (DELX(I),I=1,NX), (DELY(I),J=1,NY)

It contains the incrementation integers, NX, NY and the increments, DELX, DELY. The next nine records on UNIT 7 are derived from the following unformatted writes: (4) WRITE(7) (H(M),M=1,NB) /Block centroid elevation

(5) WRITE(7) (FR(M),M=1,NB) /Saturated block thickness

(6) WRITE(7) (PV(M),M=1,NB) /Saturated pore volume

Figure 10-3. Schematic of Streamline Postprocessing. (7) *WRITE(7) (UXX(M),M=1,NB) /x-direction Darcy velocity

(8) *WRITE(7) (UYY(M),M=1,NB) /y-direction Darcy velocity

(9) *WRITE(7) (UZZ(M),M=1,NB) /z-direction Darcy velocity

(10) *WRITE(7) (P(M),M=1,NB) /Fluid pressure at elevation

(11) *WRITE(7) (BW(M),M=1,NB) /Fluid density

(12) *WRITE(7) TIME /Elapsed simulation time


*For transient flow analysis, only these arrays are written at time steps 2 and thereafter.

They contain saturated block thickness, FR; pore volumes, PV; Darcy velocities, UXX, UYY and UZZ; and fluid pressure at elevation. At present, simulation times are not written, instead the writing of UNIT 7 is controlled by the integer IIPRT (see READ R2-13).

Note: All real variables are double precision (REAL*8) and integer variables are long integers (Integer*4).


While the contour maps from the output file are invaluable in trial simulations, ultimately report quality figures will be needed. This may be accomplished by an auxiliary file and postprocess the dependent variable with other software such as SURFER, PLOT88, DISSPLA, or DI-3000. The "map" file is written to UNITs 10 and 13. The file is controlled by the options for the printer (UNIT 6) contour map (see R2-13 to R2-15).

The map data are written to two files as well as optionally being listed with the other output on UNIT 6. The ASCII file on unit 10 may be processed by entering the data as randomly-spaced input to contouring packages. Alternatively, the grid or matrix format file on unit 13 allows for post processing consistent with the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Groundwater Flow code MODFLOW (McDonald and Harbarugh, 1988). In either case, the control for writing these files is the same.

The ASCII file on UNIT 10 is a header record and a continuous string of records containing the x-coordinate, y-coordinates and dependent variable for the window of the map as specified in the R2-13 to R2-15 records. The format is:

Header Record

TIME, ITIME, (TEXT(I),I=1,3) using format (E10.3, I10, 3A4)

Triad List

Col. 1-15 16-30 31-45

X(I) Y(J) A(I,J) (3G15.7)

X() and Y() are the grid block centroid coordinates and A(I,J) is the dependent variable mapped (see MAP on R2-13). In the case of zero pore volume blocks, the value of the dependent variable will be -9999. In addition, to avoid the possibility of underflows the minimum absolute value of the dependent variable is set to 1.0 E-30.

The grid or matrix file, written to UNIT 13, is styled after MODFLOW (McDonald and Harbaugh, 1988). The MODFLOW file structure is adopted as a standard convention to facilitate the postprocessing of contour maps. The UNSWIFT utility in Section 11 describes the translation procedure to interface with SURFER7. In contrast, SWIFT does not use stress periods, nor are the data files designed on a horizontal layering concept. It is nevertheless worthwhile to adopt the MODFLOW format to allow for interchangeability. The structure for the map files is:

  where ITIME is the time step number (i.e. KSTP in MODFLOW)

DELT is the time step size (PERTIM)

TIME is the elapsed simulation time (TOTIM)

TEXT is the 16 character description of the dependent variable (TEXT) [Declared CHARACTER TEXT(4)*4]

NC is the number or columns or x-increments (NC)

NR is the number of rows or y-increments (NR)

KK is a slice index in SWIFT, but refers the layer number in MODFLOW (ILAY)

For areal maps KK is the layer, counting downwards from the top most. For cross-sectional maps, KK is the slice index, e.g. for an X-Z map, KK refers to the y-index slice number.

The matrix file is written in ASCII or unformatted (binary) mode as controlled by LMAPIT on the M-2 or M-7 record. In the case of an ASCII file (LMAPIT=1), the format is
    There is no format specification for the unformatted file.


It is convenient to have the mass balance at each time step summarized in a separate table. At each time step the program writes a record to UNIT 17 including the time step number, elapsed simulation time, time step and mass balances for pressure, heat, brine, unleached nuclide, leached but not dissolved nuclide, dissolved nuclide and nuclide in the matrix subsystem. The output is controlled by LMBAL on record M-2.


The heterogeneous reservoir specifications allows for a separate file to control the hydraulic parameters and grid definition otherwise input on record R1-21. The heterogeneous reservoir file in a binary file which contains the block-by-block values of hydraulic conductivity, porosity, depth, thickness and heat capacity. This option is preferred over the record-based R1-21 for situations in which values vary from block to block. The R1-21 is best suited for zonal-based applications.

The heterogeneous reservoir file can be created through contouring or Kriging of site data. This file is substantially more compact than using the formatted R1-21 style which can reach several megabytes. Furthermore, the file is stored separately thus allowing easier editing of the primary data input file.

The heterogeneous reservoir option is invoked by entering a negative value (i.e., -1) for I1 in the R1-21 record. The code then requests the file name containing the heterogeneous reservoir data. The contents of this file are:

      followed by: VALUE [Real *8] if ICONST=0


There is one Record Type 1 and seven Record Type 2 sets for the following arrays:

KX (M), M = 1, NB /x-Hydraulic conductivity
KY (M), M = 1, NB /y-Hydraulic conductivity
KZ (M), M = 1, NB /z-Hydraulic conductivity
PHI (M), M = 1, NB /Porosity
UH (M), M = 1, NB /Depth (positive downwards)
UTH (M), M = 1, NB /Block Thickness
UCPR (M), M = 1, NB /Heat capacity

There is no error checking on the length or contents of the arrays. While this provides a convenient means to include heterogeneity, the user should verify the contents of the binary file (i.e., KOUT=0, M-3; IIPRT = 12, R2-13). The use of a window option is recommended (M-3 and R2-16).



The radionuclide concentration at selected block (see Section 7) are written to UNIT 9 at each time step for postprocessing. This provides a time series of the nuclide mass fraction. The calculated concentration values may, for example, be multiplied by the water mass flux rate leaving a particular block to obtain the nuclide mass discharge rate. This would be appropriate for risk assessment or possibly evaluating the performance of a remediation strategy.

The format of the nuclide monitor file is one record for the elapsed time followed by one record for each nuclide at each time step. In the case of multiple components, the concentrations follow sequentially on the record starting with component number 1. The format for each record is:

where: TIME is the elapsed simulation time (G11.4)

I is the component (I3)

DI() is component label (2A4)

CC(J) is the concentration mass fraction (G11.4).


The values of flux of water, heat and brine at aquifer influence function boundary blocks are written to UNIT 18. This facilitates post processing of boundary fluxes where the user has specified prescribed values for the pressure (at elevation), temperature and brine. The output is controlled by parameter LAIF on Record M-2. At each time step the values of flux are written to the file. Auxiliary programs or spreadsheets may be used to integrate or sum the data.

The output file is in ASCII. A header record is written followed by the transient data. The format of the header record is:

Record Format Variables
  1 A80 TITLEIT(I), I = 1, 80

2 A80 TITLEIT(I), I = 81, 160

3 4I5, 4E10.3 JABL, I, J, K, VABB(JABL) PIN(JABL), TIN(JABL), CIN(JABL) (Total of NABL records)

4 E10.3 TIME

5 10E10.3 QWSW(L), QHSW(L), QGIS(L), (CC(L+I) *QWSW(L), I=1, NCP) (Total of NABL records)

Note: Records 4 and 5 are repeated for each time step. The CC array is printed only if radionuclides are present. The term QWSW*CC is the mass flux of radionuclide, i.e., lb/day of water times radionuclide mass fraction concentration